explore top english Poetry With 25+ images


In the world of sweet-sounding literature and art English poetry is most popular throughout the globe.  Because English is an international language it has millions of speakers. Furthermore, people whose national or mother language is not English still understand English. However, English poetry is a way of sharing feelings with others through lovely words.                      

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Motivational lines of English poetry

🌇🌄Try not to lose trust. At the point
when the SUN goes down, the STAR show up🌃⭐✨

👪👪Family is not just blood relations.
It’s about who wants to hold your hand when you need it most.👪👪

 💫💖 Success is not a coincidence. It’s the result of hard work, study,
and genuine passion for what you do. 📚📖

 😎😎I don’t care how I look or how I act,
as long as I can be happy in my life I’m happy.😊😊

🙂😇Others do not need to agree,
but they need to be respectful.🙂😇

🚗🚗Some people want bigger houses, faster cars and more money.
Others just want a cabin in the woods away from normal people.🏠🏡

The Heart of English Poetry

Similarly, poetry expresses human feelings and emotions. English poetry creates sweet sound rhyme and rhythm that help to convey deep feelings, thoughts, and experiences. Moro er, poetry can be of various types like love, sad, motivational, emotional, funny, attitude and many more. All these types are the heart of English poetry.

sad Word art english- heartfelt quote.
A beautifully penned poem set against a backdrop of soft hues.
A verse on strength emerging from suffering in English writings.
A thought-provoking quote on divergent perspectives in Beautiful words.
lovely poetic words in english.
best Shayari in English

 💫💖 The secret to happiness is to convince others
that they are the cause of happiness.💫💖

 🌙🌙People who love the moon learn to stay away 🦋💜

😇 When I Am Just seeing your smile makes me feel better inside.🙂

😃 I am not materialistic, a simple kiss can make me smile.💋

 🥰 The distance between happiness and ourselves is grounded in love.🥰

👩‍❤️‍👨It’s all about having a deep conversation with someone who understands you👩‍❤️‍👨

The Rhythm and Rhyme in English poetry

The most liked type of English poetry is poems. Rhythm and rhyme is the heart of poems. Similarly, rhyme and rhythm are such poetry that each line sounds the same as the previous one. Everyone reads poems, no matter how old they are. But especially kids when they learn teachers, parents in the beginning teach them poems. Because it creates passion in children’s learning.  

top famous poem
best english poem, could in the sky.
longing for summer. top poem
Classical english poem.
nice snowy evening poem in english
Robert Frost's English Beautiful words.

Famous English Poems

Winter cheer:

Winter spreads in the white sheet,
It is the time to greet,
Winter with some woolen clothes,
Winter brings in Christmas hopes,
Winter is the time to rejoice,
Winter is the time to spread the joy,
Because winters are awesome!

Feel the chill:

Feel the chill in the air,
Go for some sledging fun,
You know it is that time of the year,
When there is lot to cheer,
Winter is the season so cool,
When ice cutter is your only tool,
You know that winters are here to stay,
So make a special way,
Coz winter is finally here!

It is winter time:

The pair of woolen sock,
The pine trees inside the home,
Christmas comes in here,
You know that it is the winter moment,
The time to greet and dine,
When everything is white,
When everything is a cool sight,
Winter is here!

Hot summers:

Hot summer time,
There is something to whine,
As the temperature will soar,
There would be heat some more,
Summer time is surely hot,
It’s the time when no thought,
Comes in mind,
But, summers are also time to unwind,
So enjoy the season with cheer,
Happy summer oh my dear!

Time for fun:

Time for some holiday fun,
Time for some play,
Summers are the time to chill,
And play a lot with clay,
Castles in the sand for sure,
Sun block would be the only cure,
In the summer’s heat,
Happy summer season!

Long days are here:

Summer days are really long,
As you sing your favorite summer song,
The heat of sun can impact the skin,
With that sweat and that grin,
Summers are the time to rejoice,
With some wholesome family joys,
Coz summers are here to stay,
Enjoy summers!

English Poetry for Success

Poetry for success is motivation poetry this poetry enhances our courage. It tells us never to give up keep up our hard work and struggle. As there is a famous quote “Failure is the first step to success”. We cannot achieve success until we face problems. As wise people say Solution to a problem always comes when you find a problem. However, through English poetry for success, we motivate our young generation,

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nice quotes by Nikita Gill in english.
top motivational and inspirational poetic words in English.
best motivational words.
Top-class inspirational poetry.
Best life quote and poetry.

Pearls don’t lie on the seashore. If you want one you must dive for it.

If you can’t figure it out, don’t stop working for it

You have to anticipate your own stuff before you do it.

Ask yourself if what you’re doing today is getting you closer to where you want to be tomarrow.

If you believe in yourself enough and know what you want you’re gonna make it happen.

Nobody can go back and start a new beginning but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

Top Famous Poets English Poetry

However, English poetry is not a new and wondering art in literature. It has been coming in the past centuries. There are a few famous poets in English poetry likewise, Wordsworth’s Romance, Maya Angelou’s writing, and Shel Silver Stein’s playful work. These poets worked on literature and wrote books of English poetry to motivate and inspire people. Similarly, these poets teach about how did they spend life, and tells about their stories of success and failure. 

william wordsworth top quotes in English.
Maya Angelou's top poetic words. best poetry.
William Wordsworth's poetry about independence.
Best Lines of Islamic poetry
Robert Frost's classical poetic words in english.
top best words of William Shakespeare.

🥀🥀 Always put yourself in the other’s shoes. If you feel that
it hurts you it probably hurts the person too.🥀🥀

♠💪Never back down, life is like a bull you have to take it
by the horns even if you’re thrown around get up and go again.♠💪

😊😊Happy people are not necessarily the best, but they make the
most of every opportunity that comes their way.y 😊😊

⚡💡Remember, if you really want to succeed, you must never give up.
No matter how difficult the situation may be; Keep trying.💪💪

👦👦Take responsibility for your life.
Know that wherever you want to go,
you are alone and no one else.✨✨

🌧️Challenges are what make life interesting,
do successes make life worthwhile📖🧾🧑🏻‍🎓

🏅🏅 It’s hard to wait for something you really want,
especially when you don’t believe it’s going to happen.
But it’s also hard to stop trying when that’s exactly what you want. 🌱🌱

💪If You Want to succeed your desire for success
should be greater than your fear of failure🏆


Lastly, I hope you have enjoyed and liked our English poetry which covers many types of English poetry. This poetry’s short lines can change your life when you read the stories of successful people and their struggles and hard work. Stay with us for such a lovely collection of poetry in English.

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